The pin buckle is an inconspicuous accessory, but the pin buckle is an essential accessory for clothing, bags, belts, belts, gifts, etc. When using leather goods such as bags and bags, when the luggage hardware accessories are rusted, broken, etc., the use of the product is affected. This is what we usually call the details to determine success or failure.
Then the shoe buckle hardware: how to use and maintain the pin buckle?
1. Do not place high temperature tea cups or other high temperature items directly on the luggage hardware accessories (glass, stainless steel, metal handles, etc.). Use a tripod, insulation pad, etc. to avoid surface discoloration or foaming.
2, keep the shoe buckle hardware accessories clean, inadvertently cause water stains on the surface after use, etc. should be wiped dry after use, often keep the surface clean and dry.
3. Do not scratch the surface with sharp or hard objects. Apply wet cloth or wet cloth with neutral detergent or detergent. After drying, apply water.
4, the surface has serious stains or scratches, fire and burns can be lightly ground with fine sandpaper (400-500), and then scrubbed with a scouring pad.
5, metal rails, hinges, hinges, etc. should be regularly lubricated to keep the luggage hardware accessories bright and lubricated. Do not hit hard objects or scratch the surface of hardware parts with a sharp object to avoid contact with chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, salt, and salt.
The small pin buckles are also designed in various shapes, colors and textures to match the whimsy of the teachers. Although the pin buckle is small, the style can vary. The shape of the pin buckle commonly used in luggage leather goods is egg type, square type, round type, D type, third type, Japanese type and the like.
The material of the pin buckle can be divided into metal and plastic according to different raw materials. Metal pin buckles are commonly used on leather goods, bags, and footwear, and metal pin buckles are more widely used than plastic pin buckles.
Dongguan Zhenming Hardware & Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. can provide you with luggage hardware accessories, luggage hardware, luggage buckles, luggage hardware buckles, shoe buckles and shoe buckles to meet your individual needs and make your luggage. The hardware accessories are different, let your bags shine!
For more product information, please contact: Mr. Zeng 13728219269 Website: